Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gardening Tips from Pat's Posey Patch in Cheboygan, Michigan

Welcome to my 1st blog.  We are coming up on the fall season.  Gardens are looking a little bedraggled from heat and just the end of the season.   There is still time to redo gardens, split and divide plants and weed.  Unfortunately weeds seem to grow faster than any other type of plant.  If you don't have time to weed try to cut them down enough to keep them from going to seed.  Using an old butcher knife is a really easy way to cut down weeds or perennials at the end of the season.  After a good soaking rain is an excellent time to weed.  Early in the spring I don't pull up any plants unless I recognize them as weeds because I like to let annuals & perennials reseed in certain areas.  Have you ever wondered when you put in a new garden where all the new weeds are coming from?  Well weed seeds can germinate after 70+ years.  Once they see the light of day they will germinate.  Also if you get composted manures that are not completely matured weed seeds can come up there too.  A favorite saying of mine is "May all your weeds be wildflowers"!